Cats & Dogs & Drones

I’ve lost track of what drones cost, but I’m sure it’s more than I would ever want to pay for a cat or dog toy. How tragic it would be, if they just ignored the expensive drone you just bought!

Now It’s Rutgers (*Sigh*)

Stegosaurus Stock Photos, Royalty Free Stegosaurus Images ...

Stegosaurus, a brain the size of a walnut in a critter the size of a tank. Sound familiar?

It’s like a recurring nightmare, it’s like a rerun of the Sixties; and, as Jimmy Durante used to say, “Everybody wants to get in on the act.”

So pro-Palestinian mania has come around to Rutgers Looniversity, my alma mater (Class of 1971). And they’ve got their stupid tents up all over the place, and crowds yelling and screaming slogans, yatta-yatta, seen it all before (

Indeed, it’s gotten so bad, so fast, that now we have more than a few stoodints complaining about “protest fatigue,” they’re sick and tired of it already.

But that’s college, boys and girls. Oops. Did I just commit some kind of gender thought crime?

Meanwhile, that Democrat national convention–at Chicago!–ought to be quite a show. Gee! Just like the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago! Riots in the streets, cops with billy-clubs, frustrated speeches on the convention floor, hippies and yippies… and it looks like this summer we’re going to be treated to a replay.

Uh, question! Where did all those tents come from? Who paid for them? How did so many stoodints get their hands on them? Who delivered them to the colleges? Inquiring minds want to know.

And we’ve got all those dindles with their masks and Official Arab Head-cloths, “protesting” they know not what… Oh, please! Not 1969 again! It was crapola the first time around, and it’s crapola this time, too.

Somehow they all fell in love with Hamas. Explain it if you can. Your friendly neighborhood terrorists and murderers.

Are we really going to have to do the whole damned thing all over again? Last time it only stopped after people got killed, at Kent State.

Stupid melodramatic foolery can be hazardous to your health.

Methodists Sink a Little Deeper

United Methodist Church votes to maintain opposition to same-sex marriage, gay  clergy - The Boston Globe

So much for the United Methodist Church. They’ll sing a different tune on Judgment Day.

What’s left of the United Methodist Church, at this year’s General Conference, has finally lifted its ban on ordaining openly practicing sodomites into the clergy (

In recent years a total of some 7,500 congregations have seceded from the UMC, largely because of the denomination’s increasingly fervent embrace of homosexuality. The UMC is not their problem anymore. But mostly wokies have been left behind, and now they finally have what they’ve long wanted.

They would have you believe that sodomite clergy, etc., has only been banned by the UMC for 40 years. But it is banned in both the Old and the New Testament of the Bible.

Not that any UMC delegate cares what the Bible says.

‘Free Speech in Canada: Bye-Bye’ (My Newswithviews Column, May 2)

Elon Musk Slams Canadian PM Trudeau

How long does this wack-job (Left, of course) get to stay in office?

“Student Protests” are sucking up all the oxygen in the room this week; nevertheless, more attention ought to be paid to what’s going on in Canada.

Nothing less than the virtual abolition of free speech.

Free Speech in Canada: Bye-Bye

I mentioned it here a couple of days ago. The Canadian Parliament wants to punish you for things you said or did before they were against the law. H.G. Wells warned us about the dangers of time travel: but this was a danger that he never thought of.

I’m finding it increasingly hard to believe that there was ever any age that enthroned more sheer wickedness than this one.

‘Zillionaire to Build Robo-Nanny’ (2016)

Before Mark Zuckerberg turned his attention to trying to direct the course of our country’s national elections, he was experimenting with his family. I wonder how this little caper turned out: a robot nanny for your baby.

Zillionaire to Build Robo-Nanny

Our civilization has dived head-first into the murky waters of Artificial Intelligence without first finding out what’s waiting for us under the surface.

I study history. Honestly, I can’t think of another era in which there was so much unmerited pride, pure delusion, naked greed, and stark wickedness on the loose… seeking whom they might devour.

God help us.

Not Quite By Request, ‘Sweet By and By’

Thewhiterabbit asked for By and By, but the only example I could find (Elvis Presley, no less!) turned out not to be available after all.

I offer, as a substitute, Sweet By and By sung by Bird Youmans.

Kwazy Wabbit!

Sorry for lapsing into Elmer Fudd speech–but is this rabbit crazy, or what? Since when do rabbits chase dogs?

But I think it’s obvious they’re playing. Another example of the wonders of domestication. If we could only domesticate the humans.

It’s Robbie’s Birthday

robbie picture

Our cat Robbie (here she is, as an international model) is now 18 years old!

That’s a pretty hefty age for a cat; but just as important… it’s voting age!

Where in the Constitution, or in the statutes of New Jersey, does it say that only human beings can vote? Where does it actually say that only human beings can be citizens? I don’t think anyone took the trouble to draw up such laws.

I’m sure Robbie would get freaked out if we brought her with us to the polls at Campbell School–all those people, strangers all, and that huge open space of a gym. No, she wouldn’t like that at all.

But not to worry–mail-in ballots to the rescue! (Gee, it’s too bad I don’t have mice and crickets anymore… although getting any of them to the age of 18 would be problematic, to say the least.) All we have to do is fill out Robbie’s ballot and drop it in the drop box.

And if you don’t think Democrats are already doping out ways that they can cheat–well, you’re not thinking, are you?

Physical Therapy, Day 2

189,700+ Physical Therapy Photos Stock Photos, Pictures ...

Between having to go for physical therapy, and having to write my Newswithviews column, I’m running hopelessly late with my blog. But those are things I have to do, no backing out.

I got worked over pretty good by the therapist. I mentioned that this was the first time I ever had to pay someone to pull my leg. And what if it were to pop loose–like those little dolls we used to have, whose arms and legs could be pulled off? Not a comforting thought.

I also had to do some work with those big squeezy balls that I thought only featured in Fail Army videos.

Anyhow, my hip is bad and they’re trying to fix it for me… so I’ll just have to find some way to rearrange my schedule.

NBA, the Sport of Thugs

Fair fight, ya think?

Y’know, professional athletes should grow a thick skin when it  comes to jeering, insults, and booing from the fans. Fans in every spectator sport have done this since Julius Caesar’s day.

In a recent NBA playoff game, Lakers star LeBron James took off on a courtside Nuggets fan who called him a crybaby for objecting rather too strenuously to the referee slapping him with a foul ( James went over there and made like he was going to assault the woman, causing her to cringe. That seemed to satisfy him.

I used to love the NBA, back when Knicks guard Dick Barnett said basketball was “like chess, only a lot faster.”

Well, it ain’t like that anymore.

What if the fan countered LeBron’s physical intimidation with some intimidation of her own? “Yeah, that’s right, big boy–you come lay a hand on me! My lawyers will eat you alive! I’ll sue the Lakers and I’ll sue the NBA, too! You’ll be a mighty unpopular fella by the time I’m done with you!”

If only…